So we went to Utah and Idaho last week, this is a pic of my nephew Logan and my boys at a Halloween party. The boys and I stayed with my sister who is literally 9months pregant, she was so sweet to have us. Justin went fishing with his Dad and we got to eat them when we all met up in Idaho.

Justin's sweet mom, Kathy, she had to dress up as an army chick for her job, we had so much fun, thanks Kathy and Reyne!

Kaden adn his cousin Logan

I was able to meet up with one of the greatest people I know, Candace, she is such a great friend, she lives in Ohio and we just happened to be in Utah at the same time! Miss you Candace, wish we had more time to hangout, we will meet again!

Candace's darling kids Jack and Macie. Jack and Kaden started playing together like they never left eachother :) They used to be little buds(well forced on by their mothers of course).
My sister Heather's children Logan 7 and Wesley 3, love you kiddos!

We also got to see Jana, Justin's darling sister and her cute family. She has Tanner who will be 5 and little twins Peyton and Jayden that are 7 months old. This is Jayden.

This is little Peyton with Jana, miss you Jana, wish we had more time with you too! Hopefully we will next time we come out. Love you my great family on both sides!